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招考信息 | 山东师范大学2021年综合评价招生章程









Rank: 1

发表于 2021-5-6 14:57:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
" style="visibility: hidden;">
第一条  根据《中华人民共和国教育法》《中华人民共和国高等教育法》和山东省教育厅有关政策规定,结合山东师范大学招生工作实际,特制定本章程。

第二条  本章程适用于2021年山东师范大学综合评价招生工作。

第三条  学校招生工作严格执行教育部和省级招生主管部门的有关政策规定,贯彻公平、公正、公开原则,全面考核、综合评价、择优录取。

第四条  学校招生工作实施“阳光工程”,接受广大考生、家长和社会各界的监督。

第五条  学校名称:山东师范大学。第六条  学校代码:10445。第七条  办学类型:公办普通高等学校。第八条 办学层次:本科、研究生教育。第九条  颁发毕业证书及学位证书学校名称:山东师范大学。第十条  办学地点:山东省济南市长清区大学科技园大学路1号(长清湖校区);山东省济南市历下区文化东路88号(千佛山校区)。
第十一条 学校成立2021年综合评价招生工作小组,在学校考试招生工作领导小组领导下开展工作,负责综合评价招生工作的组织、协调与监督,并对重大事宜做出决策。
第十二条  学校招生就业处是组织和实施本科招生工作的常设机构,具体负责综合评价招生日常工作。  第十三条  学校纪委(监察专员办公室)对综合评价招生工作进行全程监督,确保招生工作的公平、公正、公开。
第十四条 学校2021年面向山东省设置综合评价招生计划350人,分专业计划如下:
第十五条 选拔对象具有创新潜质、身心健康、品学兼优、专业意向明确、综合素质全面的优秀学生。
第十六条 报名条件通过山东省2021年普通高等学校招生考试夏季高考报名,高中学业水平合格考试各科成绩均为合格(往届毕业生高中学业水平测试成绩均为合格或6A4B及以上),考生选考科目应符合招生专业(类)规定的选考科目。高中三年参加不少于10个工作日的社区服务和1周社会实践,并完成不少于6学分的考察探究活动(研究性学习、研学旅行、野外考察等),完成规定的自主选修学分学习,需满足报考专业对应的报考条件之一,方可参加我校综合评价招生:
/ 1.一类条件 /(1)学科竞赛类:高中阶段在国际科学与工程大奖赛或国际环境科研项目奥林匹克竞赛中获奖,或在全国高中数学联赛(中国数学会主办)、全国中学生物理竞赛(中国物理学会主办)、中国化学奥林匹克竞赛 (中国化学会主办)、全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛(中国计算机学会主办)、全国中学生生物学联赛(中国动物学会、中国植物学会主办)中获得三等奖及以上,或在全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛(全国青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛山东赛区竞赛委员会主办)中获得二等奖及以上。
/ 2.二类条件 /(1)学科竞赛类:高中阶段在某一学科领域有特长并获得过省级三等奖及以上。
/ 1.一类条件 /高中阶段获全国中小学生艺术展演活动个人项目三等奖及以上;或高中阶段在省级教育部门举办的中学生艺术赛事中获个人项目二等奖及以上;或获得音乐类、舞蹈类专业考级6级及以上证书。
/ 2.二类条件 /(1)高中阶段在学科竞赛类、科技创新类、语言文学特长类等领域有特长并获得过省级三等奖及以上。
/ 1.一类条件 /(1)学科竞赛类:高中阶段在国际科学与工程大奖赛或国际环境科研项目奥林匹克竞赛中获奖,或在全国高中数学联赛(中国数学会主办)、全国中学生物理竞赛(中国物理学会主办)、中国化学奥林匹克竞赛 (中国化学会主办)、全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛(中国计算机学会主办)、全国中学生生物学联赛(中国动物学会、中国植物学会主办)中获得三等奖及以上。

/ 2.二类条件 /(1)学科竞赛类:高中阶段在某一学科领域有特长并获得过省级三等奖及以上。



第十七条 时间安排 1. 网上报名:5月10日上午9:00至5月16日下午17:00。 2. 初审结果查询:6月4日前。 3. 网上确认笔试:6月5日上午9:00至6月11日下午14:00。 4. 笔试时间:6月14日。 5. 入围综合素质测试结果查询:6月15日。 6. 网上确认综合素质测试:6月15日上午9:00至6月16日下午17:00。 7. 综合素质测试:6月20日。第十八条  网上报名凡符合报考条件的考生均须按时通过教育部阳光高考特殊类型招生信息服务平台综合评价招生报名系统(网址:https://gaokao.chsi.com.cn/zzbm/)或通过山东师范大学本科招生网—网上报名—“综合评价”进行网上报名。报名前考生登陆山东师范大学本科招生网查阅“山东师范大学2021年综合评价招生报名须知”。

第十九条 初选(一)材料审核:报名结束后,学校将组织相关学科专家,依据报名条件,结合综合素质档案,综合考察学生思想品德、学业水平成绩、身心健康、艺术素养、社会实践等情况对考生的申请材料进行初审,初审通过考生名单将在山东师范大学本科招生网进行公示。学校对初审通过考生进行综合评分,满分100分。初审通过考生须参加笔试。
初选成绩不计入综合素质测试成绩。学校将在教育部阳光高考信息公开平台对获得我校综合素质测试资格的考生名单进行公示。第二十条  综合素质测试
第二十一条  综合成绩合成


第二十二条  录取原则
第二十三条  综合评价招生专业实施学分制人才培养模式。学费标准按照山东省发展和改革委员会、山东省财政厅、山东省教育厅批准的最新标准执行。
第二十四条 根据国家、省出台的学生资助相关政策精神,凡遵纪守法、勤奋学习且家庭经济困难的普通全日制在校生,可通过奖、贷、助、补、减等资助措施保障学生在校期间的学习和生活。

第二十五条  新生录取结果将通过山东师范大学本科招生网公布。本科招生网网址:http://www.zsb.sdnu.edu.cn/咨询电话:0531-86182201、86182202、86182203
第二十六条  学校不委托任何机构和个人办理招生相关事宜。对以山东师范大学名义进行非法招生宣传等活动的机构或个人,学校将依法追究其法律责任。
第二十七条  本章程自公布之日起实行,由学校招生就业处负责解释,本章程如果与国家法律、法规、规章和上级有关政策相抵触,以国家法律、法规、规章和上级有关政策为准。未尽事宜,按上级有关规定执行。


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Rank: 2

发表于 2021-6-28 19:22:28 | 只看该作者

facebook spy tool

FB friends spy is a facebook windows application that offers to its user’s information about their friends they cannot find in there profiles:
1. Online presence information (offline/online) even if you are in offline chat mode.
2. People most interested by them.
3. People most interacting with them(on comments not messages , spying on messages is illegal and forbidden by facebook, so it is impossible to do, thank you for your understanding).
4. latest Facebook statuses
5. Places visited.
6. Events attending or already participated in
FB friend's spy will ask you for permissions to offer you the information you want, this information will and still be used only by you, it will not be used by anyone else.
FB friend’s spy uses Facebook SDK to connect to Facebook, so users don’t have to worry about their private or secret information.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2021-6-25 07:34:57 | 只看该作者

facebook spy tool

FB friends spy is a facebook windows application that offers to its user’s information about their friends they cannot find in there profiles:
1. Online presence information (offline/online) even if you are in offline chat mode.
2. People most interested by them.
3. People most interacting with them(on comments not messages , spying on messages is illegal and forbidden by facebook, so it is impossible to do, thank you for your understanding).
4. latest Facebook statuses
5. Places visited.
6. Events attending or already participated in
FB friend's spy will ask you for permissions to offer you the information you want, this information will and still be used only by you, it will not be used by anyone else.
FB friend’s spy uses Facebook SDK to connect to Facebook, so users don’t have to worry about their private or secret information.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2021-6-25 01:12:03 | 只看该作者

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FB friends spy is a facebook windows application that offers to its user’s information about their friends they cannot find in there profiles:
1. Online presence information (offline/online) even if you are in offline chat mode.
2. People most interested by them.
3. People most interacting with them(on comments not messages , spying on messages is illegal and forbidden by facebook, so it is impossible to do, thank you for your understanding).
4. latest Facebook statuses
5. Places visited.
6. Events attending or already participated in
FB friend's spy will ask you for permissions to offer you the information you want, this information will and still be used only by you, it will not be used by anyone else.
FB friend’s spy uses Facebook SDK to connect to Facebook, so users don’t have to worry about their private or secret information.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2021-6-24 19:59:59 | 只看该作者

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FB friends spy is a facebook windows application that offers to its user’s information about their friends they cannot find in there profiles:
1. Online presence information (offline/online) even if you are in offline chat mode.
2. People most interested by them.
3. People most interacting with them(on comments not messages , spying on messages is illegal and forbidden by facebook, so it is impossible to do, thank you for your understanding).
4. latest Facebook statuses
5. Places visited.
6. Events attending or already participated in
FB friend's spy will ask you for permissions to offer you the information you want, this information will and still be used only by you, it will not be used by anyone else.
FB friend’s spy uses Facebook SDK to connect to Facebook, so users don’t have to worry about their private or secret information.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2021-6-24 09:03:06 | 只看该作者

facebook spy tool

FB friends spy is a facebook windows application that offers to its user’s information about their friends they cannot find in there profiles:
1. Online presence information (offline/online) even if you are in offline chat mode.
2. People most interested by them.
3. People most interacting with them(on comments not messages , spying on messages is illegal and forbidden by facebook, so it is impossible to do, thank you for your understanding).
4. latest Facebook statuses
5. Places visited.
6. Events attending or already participated in
FB friend's spy will ask you for permissions to offer you the information you want, this information will and still be used only by you, it will not be used by anyone else.
FB friend’s spy uses Facebook SDK to connect to Facebook, so users don’t have to worry about their private or secret information.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2021-6-24 01:24:08 | 只看该作者

facebook spy tool

FB friends spy is a facebook windows application that offers to its user’s information about their friends they cannot find in there profiles:
1. Online presence information (offline/online) even if you are in offline chat mode.
2. People most interested by them.
3. People most interacting with them(on comments not messages , spying on messages is illegal and forbidden by facebook, so it is impossible to do, thank you for your understanding).
4. latest Facebook statuses
5. Places visited.
6. Events attending or already participated in
FB friend's spy will ask you for permissions to offer you the information you want, this information will and still be used only by you, it will not be used by anyone else.
FB friend’s spy uses Facebook SDK to connect to Facebook, so users don’t have to worry about their private or secret information.

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使用道具 举报








Rank: 2

发表于 2021-6-23 17:35:16 | 只看该作者

facebook spy tool

FB friends spy is a facebook windows application that offers to its user’s information about their friends they cannot find in there profiles:
1. Online presence information (offline/online) even if you are in offline chat mode.
2. People most interested by them.
3. People most interacting with them(on comments not messages , spying on messages is illegal and forbidden by facebook, so it is impossible to do, thank you for your understanding).
4. latest Facebook statuses
5. Places visited.
6. Events attending or already participated in
FB friend's spy will ask you for permissions to offer you the information you want, this information will and still be used only by you, it will not be used by anyone else.
FB friend’s spy uses Facebook SDK to connect to Facebook, so users don’t have to worry about their private or secret information.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2021-6-22 10:49:51 | 只看该作者

facebook spy tool

FB friends spy is a facebook windows application that offers to its user’s information about their friends they cannot find in there profiles:
1. Online presence information (offline/online) even if you are in offline chat mode.
2. People most interested by them.
3. People most interacting with them(on comments not messages , spying on messages is illegal and forbidden by facebook, so it is impossible to do, thank you for your understanding).
4. latest Facebook statuses
5. Places visited.
6. Events attending or already participated in
FB friend's spy will ask you for permissions to offer you the information you want, this information will and still be used only by you, it will not be used by anyone else.
FB friend’s spy uses Facebook SDK to connect to Facebook, so users don’t have to worry about their private or secret information.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2021-6-22 02:05:26 | 只看该作者

facebook spy tool

FB friends spy is a facebook windows application that offers to its user’s information about their friends they cannot find in there profiles:
1. Online presence information (offline/online) even if you are in offline chat mode.
2. People most interested by them.
3. People most interacting with them(on comments not messages , spying on messages is illegal and forbidden by facebook, so it is impossible to do, thank you for your understanding).
4. latest Facebook statuses
5. Places visited.
6. Events attending or already participated in
FB friend's spy will ask you for permissions to offer you the information you want, this information will and still be used only by you, it will not be used by anyone else.
FB friend’s spy uses Facebook SDK to connect to Facebook, so users don’t have to worry about their private or secret information.

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